Be Smart Be Open

Be Smart Be Open is an innovative and up-and-coming software house that strongly believes on the importance of ideas, professional skills and on a flexible approach to the business management.

Creativity and innovation

Be Smart Be Open can help you out to choose the best and most innovative solutions suiting your needs regarding open source software and, if needed, can provide some new ones starting from your cooperation and creativity.

Demand the best, raise the bar

Every company needs the best IT solutions to keep up with the customer needs. Be Smart Be Open combines the experience of enterprise software architectures with the ease of web and cloud solutions

Arrive on time, stay one step ahead

Do not waste your time! Our customers can focus on what they do best by enhancing their businesses thanks to the amazing possibilities informatics and Internet can offer.

Be Smart Be Open

Business Software Solutions

Latest articles

Released in production our flutter based app 'Wasteful'

11 March 2022

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P.IVA e C.F.: 02137570509
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